The Ten-Step Guide to College Financial Aid By Zachary Freeman

Debt is Like a Brown Bear. Schrute Knows Best.

Debt is like a brown bear.  Dangerous, unforgiving, vicious in any capacity.

The only difference between debt and a brown bear is that one of them hibernates for part of the year.  I’ll let you figure out which one that is.  Over sixty percent of college students will drop out before graduation, leaving them with student loan payments and no degree.  There are almost twenty million college students in the United States and over half of them will graduate with a student loan debt of at least $10,000.

Of course, with the unemployment rate steady at over 9.0%, the chances of finding a job go down, and covering that debt becomes a challenge – the kind of challenge that leaves you with no food on the table.  Consider how much debt you’re willing to take on (hopefully none), and stick to that.   Choose an affordable school that won’t leave you running from the momma brown bear of debt.

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